The 210 FinancialBLOG

We help individuals and families pursue their ideal retirements.

Are You Financially Compatible With Your Valentine? (& a Fun Quiz to Take!)

Are You Financially Compatible With Your Valentine? (& a Fun Quiz to Take!) Did you know that finances are one of the top three reasons a couple will get divorced? It can make or break your relationship. How you and your significant other handle money, saving, spending, and investments plays such a big role in…


How We Are Supporting Peoria Rescue Ministries This Year

How We Are Supporting Peoria Rescue Ministries This Year Each year, we like to make generosity a part of what we do and we love to invite our clients to be a part of that process. Our clients join us in this each time they refer a new client to 210 Financial and by voting…


6 Things to Consider as You Plan Your 2022 Finances

 6 Things to Consider as You Plan Your 2022 Finances  As we ring in the new year, you may choose to participate in a New Year’s Resolution or two around working out more or perhaps breaking a bad habit. But this is also the time of year that you should review and set some goals…


5 Things You Should Know About Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

 5 Things You Should Know About Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)  While you may not be new to the topic of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), there are many rules that come along with them. And, with the passing of the Setting Every Community Up for Security Enhancement (SECURE) Act last year, there have been some significant…


What to Do When You’ve Lost Your Spouse
[A Preparation Guide]

What to Do When You’ve Lost Your Spouse [A Preparation Guide] The death of your loved one is a difficult thing to contemplate, especially if it has already occurred. In the midst of that loss, one of the last things you want to try to figure out is what you need to do with your…


Can I Afford to Be Generous?

Can I Afford to Be Generous? You’ve set your financial goals so you can pay off your house, retire well, and pay for your children to have a good education. But what about supporting charities? Impacting your community for the better? Or giving to help causes that you believe in? Should those have a place…


I Have Retirement Savings. Now What?

“I Have Retirement Savings. Now What?” You need to save for retirement. You should put everything you can into your IRA or 401K. You can’t rely on Social Security alone to cover the cost of retirement. If you’ve heard one or more of these statements before, hopefully you have already taken the first step and…


Investments: What Opportunities Are There? [Comprehensive List]

Investments: What Opportunities Are There? [Comprehensive List] When it comes to investing, you have probably heard of some options such as stocks, bonds, IRAs, and a 401(k). But did you know that those are actually just a small amount of the investment opportunities that exist? If you’ve ever wondered what “IRA” stands for or what…


How Your Personality Will Guide Your Investment Strategy

How Your Personality Will Guide Your Investment Strategy You may have heard that when it comes to money you are either a “spender” or a “saver.” So it should be no surprise that our personality impacts how we invest our money. But is that a good thing? Where should our personalities be dictating how we…


3 Questions to Ask as You Plan for Retirement

3 Questions to Ask as You Plan for Retirement Maybe you are already dreaming of the day you can sit on a beach, relax all day, and not have a care in the world while you sip on a fruity drink with an umbrella in it. Well, regardless of your age, it’s never too early…


How to Avoid Making Financial Decisions Out of Fear

How to Avoid Making Financial Decisions Out of Fear Have you experienced this before? You open your statement for your investments and feel the rush of excitement when you learn that you made money. Or maybe you’ve been on the other side, where you open that statement only to learn that your investments aren’t doing…


4 Tips to Ensure a Healthy Financial Future

4 Tips to Ensure a Healthy Financial Future Over the last year, we’ve experienced unparalleled uncertainty about the future. Will I still be employed? Will I get sick? Can I make my house payment? How long will my children be virtually learning? What will the future look like?   All of these questions, and more,…


Ready to Take The Next Step?

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Or give us a call at 309.263.1333