Stabilizing Your Finances: 12 Free Resources for You

Before you can pursue the retirement of your dreams, you need to have a plan.

Here at 210 Financial, our team knows that starting a financial plan from scratch—or improving an existing one—can sound overwhelming, especially if you don’t have the right knowledge in your toolbox.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of 12 resources that will help jumpstart your financial journey. These guides cover all the basics you need to know to start planning the comfortable retirement you’ve been hoping for.

The best part is—they’re all 100% free!

Check out one, a few, or all of them to get a head start on your financial goals.

#1: Annuities as an Asset Class

Times are changing, and the path to a comfortable retirement looks different today than it did for past generations. As a result, many people are asking questions like, Are stocks and bonds still enough?

If you’ve been wanting to learn more about annuities, this 12-page download is a great place to start. In it, we go over:

  • Why annuities may or may not be a good fit for you
  • How fixed index annuities work/help you balance risk
  • and more!

Access this resource here!


#2: Finding Your Balance

Are you feeling a bit wobbly about leaving your steady paycheck behind? Do you feel your heart rate rise a little every time you look at rising interest rates?

This 8-page guide may help you bring stability to your future by finding financial balance. This resource breaks down complex topics like why traditional asset allocation strategies may no longer suffice and why bonds aren’t the risk-free investment most people believe them to be.

We also provide strategies you can use to aim to generate retirement income you’ll be able to count on for life.

Access this resource here!


#3: Annuity Myths

It’s no secret that there are many myths out there in the world of financial advice, and annuities are no exception. You’ve probably already encountered common fibs like:

  • Annuities make accessing money impossible.
  • Annuities are too complicated to understand.
  • Savings are enough, so I don’t need an annuity!

If so, check out this free download where we debunk 5 of the biggest annuity myths (and fill you in on the truth).

Access this resource here!


#4: 10 Tips to Help Empower Women Investors

Did you know that a woman’s ideal retirement strategy should be different from a man’s?

Many people don’t realize the special considerations that women need to keep in mind when planning a retirement that will reflect their reality.

In this guide, we go over the 10 steps every woman investor should take. Learn how to find an experienced financial advisor you trust, keep critical life changes from derailing your plan, and so much more.

Access this resource here!


#5: Are You Paying Too Much Taxes in Retirement?

Don’t let taxes derail your retirement—use smart strategies to keep more money in your pocket.

This convenient resource will fill you in on the potential advantages of separating your taxable and tax-deferred accounts.

It also covers what signs you should be looking out for as tax laws continue to change, plus tax deduction options you can take advantage of to make the most of your retirement income!

Access this resource here!


#6: Checklist Challenge

As you approach retirement, we know there are many ducks you’re trying to get in a row.

Ever wondered if your financial plan is checking off all the right boxes or if you may be missing a key component? Take our checklist challenge to find out!

Use this free resource to mark off vital elements in categories like:

  • Risk Management
  • Medical & Health Care
  • Tax-Efficient Strategies

Access this resource here!


#7: Will Your Money Last as Long as You Do?

Many basic expenses—such as health care—cost far more today than they did just a few decades ago.1

With prices always changing, how can you make sure that your retirement funds won’t run out?

Download this free guide to learn how working with an experienced financial professional and asking the right questions about your retirement can help you address all your what-ifs and gain confidence about your financial future.

Access this resource here!

1 Megan Leonhardt. CNBC. Oct. 9, 2019. “Americans now spend twice as much on health care as they did in the 1980s.” Accessed March 22, 2024.



#8: Estate and Legacy Planning

Communicating your values and goals today can help your loved ones through tomorrow.

This 12-page guide will teach you the basics of estate planning, including:

  • What areas your will should address (and who should write it)
  • The two types of trusts and how they can help reduce family conflict
  • A checklist that will help you select the right person to carry out your wishes

Give your family the gift of a clear estate plan:

Access this resource here!



#9: The 3 Pillars of Successful Retirement Plans

This guide is a must-read for anyone planning to retire within 5 years.

It contains a simple checklist that will help you kickstart your new work-free life!

Learn the 22 critical questions you need to ask yourself before retiring, uncover common blind spots that you may be overlooking in your retirement plan, and so much more.

Access this resource here!


#10: Social Security Report

This 5-minute guide helps you address the “Social Security Elephant” in the room so you can learn when, why, and how to file for Social Security.

It breaks down thousands of Social Security claiming rules into one simple decision flowchart.

Give it a read to enjoy the maximized benefits you deserve:

Access this resource here!


#11: Retiring in Uncertain Times?

Is your confidence a little bit shaky when you consider whether or not your retirement plan is on track to deliver the lifestyle you want amid historic levels of uncertainty?

If so, this guide is for you.

This free resource will teach you the “Dos” and Don’ts” of safeguarding your financial future. Learn about which common money mistakes to avoid as well as some easy steps you can take aim to protect your well-being, cash flow, and assets.

Access this resource here!


#12: Are You Subjecting Your Portfolio to Too Much Risk?

Anyone who is investing is taking on some level of risk. But does your current investment strategy truly reflect your risk tolerance?

This 5-minute quiz, built on a Nobel Prize-winning framework, will give you your very own Risk Number® for free. Give it a try to make sure the risks you’re taking align with your personal level of comfort.

Access this resource here!

If you have any questions about how you can put the information and strategies in these resources to work for your own financial future, we’ve got one more free resource for you to take advantage of:

Schedule a complimentary meeting with our 210 Financial team or give us a call at 309.263.1333 to get expert guidance on all these topics, plus personalized input on your retirement goals, plan, and progress. We are here for you!


210 Wealth Management, Inc., d/b/a 210 Financial, is a federally registered investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The oral and written communications of an adviser provide you with information about which you determine to hire or retain an adviser. 210 Financial, Form ADV Part 2A & CRS can be obtained by visiting: and search for our firm name. Insurance products are offered through 210 Financial, Inc. d/b/a 210 Financial.

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Or give us a call at 309.263.1333