The 210 FinancialBLOG

We help individuals and families pursue their ideal retirements.

Income, RMDs, Beneficiaries, & Portfolio Risk: A Grabbag – Episode 12

We’ve got a fun episode for you today! Most times we go in with a clear outline of a takeaway we want to leave with you. But today, after we answer a question about portfolio risk, Kendall brought some recent articles he read about retirement and we’re talking through them. Somehow hot-dog eating contests also…


What to do with Your Money in Each Decade of Your Life

You probably have some idea of what you would like to be doing with your money over your lifetime. That list probably includes things like buying a house, saving for retirement, and getting to buy some fun things along the way! While none of those things are bad to want to achieve, we’ve found that…


Retiring in an Uncertain Market (& Our Thoughts on Long-Term Care Insurance) – Episode 11

What are some things we can do if we approach retirement in an uncertain market? Should we be concerned? Should our retirement plan change? In this episode, after answering a question that was sent in about long-term care insurance, that’s what we’re covering! Kendall and Phil are talking about the greatest risk during a down…


Saving Money on Travel & Summer Vacations (& Determining Life Insurance Coverage) – Episode 10

Despite increased gas prices and inflation, estimates are showing that there will be a lot of travel in the U.S. this year. If you’re looking at some upcoming travel, are you prepared to do it wisely? In today’s episode, after a funny story about Kendall’s son, we’re answering a question about life insurance as well…


Moving Traditional Investments to Roth Investments: Your Guide to Roth Conversions

Haven’t you heard? There’s a tax sale going on right now! Okay, so there isn’t actually a “tax sale,” but in many cases taxes are historically low right now. This has got a lot of people asking, Should I be changing some of my investments to an after-tax option? While we often advocate for this,…


What is a Recession? Should You Be Concerned? (& Statistics for Bear & Bull Markets)

Have you been hearing the word “recession” a ton lately? It feels like we’ve heard it every single day as a looming, sinister concern for each of our financial futures. In this episode, we’re breaking down what a recession is, whether or not you should be concerned, a look back on the statistics for the…


6 Keys to a Happy Retirement

You’ve worked hard your whole life—waking up early, staying late when you’ve needed to, and saving everything you could to make sure your retirement was well-funded. While all the “money stuff” is extremely important, there are a few other things you may need in order to have a happy retirement. When you retire, you’ll get…


How Does Market Volatility Affect Retirement Income? (& the Best possible Investments for High-Inflation Environments)

Without income, you have no retirement. Yet, there are experts in our field saying that you might want to rethink your income strategy in today’s market. In this episode, we’re diving into the traditional 4% rule for withdrawals from retirement accounts. Does it still apply? Does it need to be adjusted? Additionally, we’re answering a…


All About Annuities: How Do They Work and Should You Invest in Them?

What is an annuity? Is it a smart investment? Should I have an annuity in my retirement plan? We get questions like these all the time from our clients. Annuities can seem confusing and, as a result, many people invest in them without knowing what they are getting into or if it’s the best option…


Is Life Insurance Valuable? (& Tax Implications of Converting Retirement Plans)

 Life insurance can feel like a tricky subject to navigate. Do you need it? How much coverage should you look for? What about long-term care insurance?  In today’s episode, after answering a question sent in about Roth conversions in a retirement plan, we are diving into life insurance. Phil and Kendall are sharing some common…


Preparing Your Finances for Uncertain Times

Preparing Your Finances for Uncertain Times – Episode 6 There have always been (and there will continue to be) uncertain times in the world. We all can agree we’ve seen some of those uncertainties recently! For example, we’re seeing inflation, a likely increase of interest rates on the horizon, along with the normal uncertainties in…


The Top 5 Retirement Questions We’re Asked

When it comes to finances, the majority of questions we get are about retirement. Even if you love your job, after years of hard work, you are probably looking forward to the days when you get to kick back and relax a little more. So it makes sense that you would want to make sure…


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